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A hatrick of 50's in an incredible overnighter.

Writer's picture: Nic BrownNic Brown

After an exciting and very rewarding week for Brinn and Lily at Lac Du Coron which included two PB's for Brinn and two for Lily we decided that Brinn and I would spend the last night [Friday] at Lac Solace.

I had to be at Lac Du Coron getting the lake ready for our new arrivals early on Saturday and Brinn needed to head for the ferry home, so we kept things light and simple. Brinn choosing to fish the central weedbed from the jetty and me going up to the top corner, hopefully in the teeth of the forecast SW wind.

We hadn't even ordered the take away when Brinns right hand rod slowly ticked away and as he bent into a good fish the fish slowly kited left sending up little rafts of freshly cut brittle weed. After a typical Solace scrap what looked like a mid 20 went over the chord.

Brinn donned the waders and slid the fish into the retainer. As he passed it up to me I mumbled that he could have let a bit of water out! On the mat we realised why I thought it felt heavy, because it was!

On the scales she went 35+ and is one of a small batch of seriously greedy carp that we stocked in December. They have all put on at least 5lbs in that time and are all seriously gutty!

With the wind picking up and the drizzle starting Brinn was quick to get the rod back out tight to the weed and then walk round the bank and catapult out another 1/2 a kilo of 10mm boilie over the spot.

Only an hour later Brinns middle rod was away and a super powerful fish beat him up as the fish charged through weed beds and up the margins. Eventually I bundled it into the net and we peered in to see a long very pretty mirror in the folds of the net.

Eventually with the rods all in posistion and the pizza delivered we took shelter in the cabin as the wind picked up.

After we filled our bellies I got back up to my little corner where I'd sticked out 2kgs of the Marine and The Sweet when I'd arrived earlier in the evening. Both rods we put out, one on a little flexi hinge and one on a wafter, I crawled under the titan brolly and hoped that the big girls would move out of the weed and start mooching around in my heavily baited corner.

Just as I was starting to get comfy the left hander steamed off and instantly I knew it was a chunk. I had some drama trying to land it in the little gap I was fishing in but eventually she went in the net and the knees could stop rattling a little as I waited for Brinn to come up and help with the lifting and photos.

It was great to see a super clean bruiser on my mat and I put on a big smile for the photo which is pretty unlike me!

After getting one of the two rods back out in the spot followed by another 100 baits I crawled into the bag wet, wind battered but very happy.

The next thing I knew i was peering out to the rod a bit disappointed that it hadn't gone and wondering if my chance had gone. Literally as I was finishing that sentence in my head when the bobbin dropped to the deck and then smashed into the blank and ticked off. This was a much more brutal battle taking massive runs across the lake, through the weed and down my right hand margin, but as I only had the one rod in play atleast netting the hippo was easier!

In the net it was time to text Brinn again, my second 50 in 8 hours, that'l do me!

Brinn can't have left my swim more than 10 minutes when I heard a slightly nervous shout from the other end. He hadn't called for my help for the previous two fish, so deep down he must have known it was special. I got some video of the 15 minute battle which I'll put up soon, but like everything in Solace it beat the crap out of him before I put the camera down and bundled it in the net! It was obviously a hippo and a new pb. We pulled ourselves together, got everything sorted and then as a pair struggled to get it on to the mat. Up on the scales she went a very healthy 52.5lbs and was our 3rd 50. What a crazy night!

With that we packed away, Brinn headed off to the UK and I headed off to Lac Du Coron... What a night! #solacevibe #opening2020 #brace

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Nic Brown

Nic's mobile: 0033 7877 05222

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