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  • Writer's pictureNic Brown

*An Update on Lac Solace*

We've had a couple of people asking recently how things are going at Solace, basically because I've been quiet on the updates, so here's a very quick run down of what's been going on, there will be proper pictures when things are completed. Electric - Mains electric has all been signed off, paid for and is scheduled for January, so we will not have solar or generators meaning no noise or ugly panels. Water - We now have a large 10,000l per hour bore hole that is supplying incredibly pure, filtered water. We still recommend bringing bottled water, but the sink in the kitchen and the bathroom will soon be collected to the Bore hole. Again no noisy generator, this will run off the mains. Most excitingly for me though is that we will be pumping 6000 litres per hour into the lake during the hotter months meaning consistant water levels, cooler water tempretures, water movement and a bit of increased oxygen levels.

Toilet and shower block - This is fully built and roofed, the majority of the floor is laid and the shower and sink ready to be attached, the toilet is already in operation!

The Cabin - This has taken some work! We have been clearing, sealing, painting and decorating for a couple of weeks now; Bitchumin is a bloody nightmare! But this should be ready to show you all next week.

There is still plenty to do, swim boarders, wood chipping etc but we are well on track. And as Steve said last week, "3 lads having a BBQ outside the cabin, big fish crashing, this is gonna be one seriously popular lake!"

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